
There are so many treatment modalities and approaches to choose from when determining what is right for you, that it could feel overwhelming to read them all in great length.  I tend to combine a variation of psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioral, CBT (cognitive behavioral), and integrative approaches.  

I have provided a brief summary of these approaches that I utilize the most.  It’s important that you and I consider the uniqueness of your circumstances and your specific needs when deciding what might work best for you.

  • Psychodynamic therapy is a close partnership between therapist and client that focuses on changing problematic behaviors, feelings, and thoughts by discovering their unconscious motivations. 

  • Cognitive therapy places emphasis on what you think, rather than what you do, and usually incorporates the practice of “cognitive restructuring”.

  • Behavioral therapy focuses on learning and understanding your role in the development of healthy and unhealthy behaviors.

  • CBT focuses on changing patterns of thoughts and behaviors that result in life difficulties, negative feeling states, and unhealthy responses. It’s usually short-term and goal oriented.

  • Integrative therapy means that I blend all of the different approaches and tailor each individual’s treatment according to your needs.